
Friday, June 24, 2011

Meditteranean reflections and more in Collioure

© Photos by Kay Davies and Richard Schear    

The artist Henri Matisse found much inspiration in the beautiful seaside town of Collioure, France, near the Spanish border. When we visited in April, 2011, we were enchanted by the light and color, just as he was. 

We found beautiful reflections in the waters of the Mediterranean Sea, and in the windows of the homes and hotels in this delightful town on the Catalan coast.

Posted for the Weekend Reflections meme, hosted
every week by James, now in beautiful southern California.
Thanks, James!

To see other reflections as they caught the imaginations of other bloggers,
please click


Sylvia K said...

Love your watery, French reflections, Kay! Such delightful captures and such a wonderful variety! Enjoy your weekend!


Anonymous said...

Beautiful photos my friend. I love the third to the last one and the last one. Excellent these are. :) Have a great weekend.

Reader Wil said...

These little harbours are so charming and I thank you for sharing these photos! They are lovely.

EG CameraGirl said...

It's hard to compete with the gorgeous architecture of Europe, Kay! These are lovely shots. :)

Martha Z said...

There is a lot to like in this post. I like those blue shutters against the peach colored wall, the lacy curtains behind the reflection and to top it off, there is a blooming wisteria.
The stone dock has a lot of character and what do we have tied up? A rubber raft beside traditional wooden boats.
Best of all, you were there a bit off season without the crowds. (I assume this lovely spot will be filled with vacationers soon.)

Julie said...

Hah! What I would give for the freedom of mind to wander that waterfront.

Leslie said...

LOVE those red boats and the blue shutters.

Carver said...

Wow, you have had some fantastic travels. That looks like somewhere I'd enjoy and the photography is wonderful.

Francisca said...

I had to google map Collioure, but I should've just finished reading your post first! I guess this was a day trip out of Perpignan for you? What a charming coastal town, with plenty of water and window reflections.

[Perhaps talking in charades and broken languages is a family thing of ours... I've been doing it for as long as I can remember! LOL]

Dimple said...

The predominant pinks and blues are beautiful; I especially like the blue shutters on the pink wall in the last shot!


Kim, USA said...

This is an awesome place!

Weekend Reflection

Simon said...

Beautiful shots Kay. We both have sailboats in reflection this week.
Lately I've been thinking I'd like to give up on my distasteful job and do something new that would have me traveling globally. Wish I knew what would allow that. I'm ready. Your photos do nothing to dissuade me of that "dream." Happy weekend.

Dianne said...

I love the buildings, they all have wonderful details
and the water is so lovely

Randy said...

What a beautiful town. I can see how one can be inspired.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

I can see why Matisse was inspired Kay, the light is so soft and the colours pastel perfect.

Kay said...

I just love the warm colors there. I can imagine why he was so inspired.

Ingrid said...

Beautiful pictures !

I am going home today, sigh ! "see" you tomorrow from home !

Rob Siemann said...

It is a lovely place, and you photographed it well. And the light works for photographers as well, not just painters.
I passed there last Sunday, on the way back from Argeles.

Fran said...

What a beautiful harbour, I can just imagine being at anchor, the sun shining and the gentle lapping of water on the boat. My idea of heaven xxx

Anonymous said...

What magnificent shots. Such a lovely place.

Anonymous said...

You've shared some beautiful photos with us here today. Thanks.

Have a good week, Boonie

Cildemer said...

Wonderful shots!
My daughter has been there on vacation a few years ago and she loved it!
Thanks for sharing, Kay;o)

Hope you are having a nice and happy weekend****

Lew said...

Beautiful reflections! I especially like the one with the boats tied up at the stone dock.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Beautiful town! And great photos. I love the way you helped me to understand a little beter the inspiration behind the art.

(We've been on the road and I am way behind, looking forward to catching up on my favs, now that we are in one spot for a while.)

Ladynred said...

These are wonderful pictures. I ;love the scenery!

Anonymous said...

I always enjoy the juxtaposition of ancient and modern you find in European cities. The castle on the beach, the ancient walls, the peaceful reflections - and the modern city just behind the veil.

I think some of it would look familiar to M. Matisse if he came back for a visit.

Cezar and Léia said...

Wonderful set of pictures!This place is so charming!

Anonymous said...

Such wonderful colours and architecture.

Mara said...

I love that last photo: it looks as if it's snowing in all the closed windows! (yes, I know it's probably net curtains, but that's boring)

SquirrelQueen said...

Each photo is beautiful and the reflections are fabulous. My favorite is the second one with the boats, it almost looks like a painting.

Hope you had a great weekend.

Powell River Books said...

I love the juxtaposition of the old painted boats and the new inflatable. - Margy