© Photos by Kay Davies and Richard Schear
Shy pedi-cab driver taking a break. |
When I consulted my husband about the letter W, he thought for a moment, then said "Wheels." Then he thought a while longer, "And women," he added, although I knew he wasn't out taking pictures of women when my back was turned.
The place for wheels in Europe is Amsterdam, with its ubiquitous bicycles (and a few other kinds of wheeled transportation).
Bicycles parked alongside canals and against bridge railings. |
Wheels in Brussels, Belgium |
Women: our tour guide and the captain of the Amsterdam canal boat were both highly-qualified women. |
Women with wheels. |
Women with attitude! |
And, finally, women with blogs:
"Reader Wil" met me for a visit in Kinderdijk, in The Netherlands. |
Mara met us for a visit in Amsterdam. |
Gattina, from Waterloo, met us for a tour of Brussels.
We also met Debbie and Stijn in Brussels, but didn't have a camera with us. |
Posted for ABC Wednesday, started by
Mrs. Nesbitt in the UK, and carried on by her faithful team.
To see how other bloggers used the letter W please click
I was already confused, the Atonium in Amsterdam? Nice article.
You forgot the 'Wine' for W.
how wonderful (another w) to meet up with a few bloggers in other countries. If you ever come to this end of the UK I'll want to know about it.
Mind you, if you do and we meet you won't any longer think I'm wonderful. Perhaps we'd better not meet.
How wonderful to see all those photos from Amsterdam and the bloggers! You know, my christian name starts with W for it's Wilhelmina.
Thanks for showing these images! Love, from Wil.
How fab that you met other bloggers! Glad to see you waving our flag by wearing a Canada sweatshirt!
Jane x
lovely water shots, but I was esp happy to see the women bloggers, since most post to the group
ROG, ABC Wednesday team
I love it. Wheels and women is perfect for W. Great shots!
Thanks for letting me live vicariously through you... I love the pictures!
My, you have met many bloggers. Isn't it wonderful to finally talk to them?
I love all your Wheels too. Great post.
I want that "Chicks rule" T-Shirt!!!
Your photos are as close as I'm likely to get to a vacation, so good thing they absolutely take my breath away. And how fun that you've met so many blogger friends! Let me know if you ever come to St. Louis, USA. LOL.
I think the tri cyclist wants your money to take his photo.
What Belgium food did Gatinna treat you?
What a great series of shots of wheels and women! How wonderful that you got to meet so many bloggers on your trip!
Wunderbar! Have no idea if I spelled that right or not...how much fun you must have had meeting Wil, Mara, and Gattina! I've met some blog friends and know it's so exciting! You all look so happy! Great post for our W Week! :D
abcw team
I love the shot down the waterway framed by the lovely old buildings. That could be a painting. - Margy
What a fun post! So neat that you met the blogger ladies! I was just thinking about Mara the other day - hadn't seen her blog lately...
Wonderful to see so many wheels - how can we foster that mode of transportation in Canada, - what a lot of 'fit' women there must be in the Netherlands.
Fantastic captures and what fun! I do love being able to meet my blogging friends and I know how delightful it must have been for you! Hope your week is going well, Kay!
ABC Team
Wow! How cool is that? You got to meet up with our fellow blogger friends in Europe! And, what amazing pictures! That second one is breathtakingly beautiful.
how wonderful of you to get to meet some fabulous Women bloggers too!
I love the pic of the lady biking with her kids in tow.
Great W post Kay.
Yay for the fabulous women bloggers! How wonderful that you got to meet other bloggers on your trip.
Very interesting and varied, Kay. So lovely to meet fellow bloggers, too:-)
How Wonderful that you met all these bloggers!
love that photo of the family on the bicycles - my, the mama is so fashionably dressed for a bike ride! (and speaking of fashionably dressed women - i also love your new blogger profile pic. you look marvelous in that red jacket next to the yellow train!)
WOW...What a Wonderful post for W day. I never saw so many Wheels at one place before. And The Women are lovely, how Wonderful you were able to meet some fellow bloggers along the Way.
Wonderful pictures from Amsterdam.My favorite ones"your portraits"!
Adorable smile!
Wheels and women are two of the words which I didn't think of. Wise hubby.
A wheely interesting tour of Amsterdam, if only all cities were as bike friendly. Yours is the ultimate blog tour, what fun to meet blogging friends.
The fifth shot you took is gorgeous!
Would love you to peek at my ABC. You are welcome to come by anytime, have a nice day!
I seems like a nice trip =)
It's been a hectic week for me, but I'm glad I didn't miss this post. Blogging women and wheels make a superb W post! Thanks to your honey!
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