
Sunday, October 23, 2011

Puente for Real Toads: poem with a bridge

Kerry's mini-challenge at Imaginary Garden with Real Toads involves a poetic form built around a bridge, or puente in Spanish.
A puente consists of three stanzas, with only one line in the second stanza, a line which applies to the first and third stanzas equally (indicated by enclosure in tildes), thus bridging two thoughts or subjects expressed in an equal number of lines, which need not be of equal length (as I understand it.)
Click on this Real Toads link to see the example Kerry provided.

Here is my submission:

There is a fringe where your world and mine
meet, merge, meld for a month or more.
Differences disappear, and the common ground seems solid.
We walk on this illusory rock confidently, comfortably,
tempted to take this temporary thing as truth.
~ The rock is a lie. ~

It consists of one thin layer
of your reality,
and one thin layer
of mine,
overlapping only in a dream.


Kenia Santos said...

What a beautiful poem! Pretty philosophical to me, I'll keep it close to my heart. Great take on the challenge. <3

Pete Goulding said...

Delicious alliteration. Oh those fragile tectonic plates of love...

Anonymous said...

wow. i just saw this both concretely in the style of the poem, and more metaphorically, in your subject, as a poetic venn diagram.

completely knocked my socks off.
great great stuff.

Abin Chakraborty said...

wonderfully written! so true for so many!

Kerry O'Connor said...

Never have I read such an apt description of the tenuous nature of relationships - such a bitterly sweet thing, this thin layer which overlaps for a short while.

Anonymous said...

This poem is beautiful - the reality of the illusion of the reality rings bells all over the place, for me. The bridge, too, is just right. Best puente I've read so far...

Susie Clevenger said...

relationships walk a perilous have captured it well...great work!