
Tuesday, October 11, 2011

M is for Moscow, for ABC Wednesday

Russia was full of surprises. The old GUM department store, about whose shortages we used to hear so much, is now an upscale shopping mall with something for everyone (above). Below, left, shoppers pause for refreshments, while below, right, the exterior still says GUM in the letters of the Russian alphabet.

One of Moscow's most famous landmarks (above, and below, right) is affectionately known as St. Basil's Cathedral, but the recently renovated structure is officially The Cathedral of the Intercession of the Virgin by the Moat.

Renovation has been completed in many parts of Moscow by now, but is still going on in many others (above).

This statue of a soldier and his dog brings to mind Russia's long, war-torn history. One of the tours from the Viking Surkov during our August holiday with Viking River Cruises, was of the wonderful Moscow Metro system, where such works of art are seen at every station on the line. © Richard Schear photos

Red Square, above, is being set up for a military band display, so there was little action besides workmen, while all's quiet at the Kremlin, right.
Posted for ABC Wednesday
Mrs. Nesbitt's memorable meme, hosted by her talented team.
To see how other bloggers used the letter M, please click  HERE!


Phil Slade said...

Moscow looks a fascinating city Kay with all those places we only ever read about. Like you I think I would have to spend some time with the soldier and his dog and say a few words to each. Wonderful sculpture.

Gigi Ann said...

You visit so many interesting places and when you share them with us, we get to go an a little Mini-tour with you. Thanks for sharing.

Roger Owen Green said...

They even make the cosmonauts to go through security? Tough.

Interesting clash between the old or new.

ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Joyful said...

It's wonderful to see these photos of a refurbished Moscow :-)

Carver said...

Magnificent post for the letter M. Moscow has some beautiful sculpture and architecture.

EG CameraGirl said...

Moscow would be so much fun to tour, I think. :) Love the bits you have chosen to show us, Kay.

Kay said...

These are such incredible photos, Kay! How wonderful to see all the interesting sights in Russia. It's different from how I imagined it.

Ebie said...

Wow! What a great experience you have shared with us on this trip. Russia sure is one place I have to go!

Barbara Rosenzweig said...

Fabulous photos! They brought back great memories of our trip there.

Thanks so much for enjoying my sunset photo!

anthonynorth said...

Some great pics there. Quite a few interesting sights in Moscow.

Barbara Rosenzweig said...

p.s. I'm your new follower!

photowannabe said...

Wow, the GUM store has changed. We visited the one in Leningrad (St. Petersburg) back in the 80's. Very depressed and not having much of anything to buy.
Interesting to see the renovation and progress.

mrsnesbitt said...

Wow! just about to pop off to bed....but managed a trip to Moscow! Phew am tired now! lol! Great post - as ever.
Denise ABC Team xxx

Dhemz said...

ayay! one of the best destinations in the world...nice!

Jenn Jilks said...

how amazing! But I'm really glad to be home tonight!

Unknown said...

Very interesting!

Unknown said...

such a lovely tour! thanks so much for sharing.

RedPat said...

Moscow looks more upscale than I had imagined - I think I expected to see a lot of those awful apartment blocks around everywhere. Nice epics Kay!

Rajesh said...

Beautiful place. I am always fascinated by St. Basils cathedral.

Hildred said...

A lot of wonderful Ms hidden in this post, Kay. I am so impressed with the churches.

Nanka said...

Amazing place Moscow... and so very interesting!! Cosmonauts through security is hilarious as ROG puts it! GUM looks a happy busy place!! The military band display would be a perfect march!!

Chubskulit Rose said...

I'm lovin the tour you are giving us Kay.

Paula Scott Molokai Girl Studio said...

Doesn't it make you wonder why Russia has had such a long history of war within its boundaries?
Beautiful shots-so colorful and alive!

SquirrelQueen said...

The old department store has come a long way, I remember reading stories about all the shortages.

Moscow looks like a beautiful city, I would love to tour it one day.

Ingrid said...

Wow, these pictures really want me to visit Moscow !!

Anonymous said...

That Cathedral has the most stunning colors and architectural detail. Great photo of it! :D

Waggin at ya,

Reader Wil said...

Your photos are excellent and bring back memories of the week I spent in Moscow in 1987 at a Women's conference. I see there's a lot been changed for the better, though I miss Gorbatchov! He was the man who inspired us all with his glasnost and perestroika!
Thanks for sharing!

Cezar and Léia said...

Wonderful pictures from this amazing city!Thanks for the sweet memories!

Meryl said...

you really seem to have captured the many facets and faces of Moscow!

Dianne said...

the sky above Red Square is amazing

jabblog said...

Moscow looks wonderful in the sun. The renovations and refurbishments make everything look so fresh and attractive.

kaykuala said...

It is just fascinating Kay! The whirlwind tour is hot and we're privileged to be traveling along with you. Your array of pics are awesome!


Linnea said...

Thanks for these colorful shots of such an interesting destination.

Scriptor Senex said...

The cathedral domes are among the world's most spectacular structures. Thank you for showing them.

Leslie: said...

Sorry to be so slow in commenting, but it's been quite the week! Beautiful photos of Moscow and your other post about midnight there. I have a great friend who has spent many weeks in Russia, particularly St. Petersburg but she says she loves the entire country. :D

Tumblewords: said...

Love the domes. Your photos are always so wonderful. It's a new journey each week (without worry)!