
Friday, September 16, 2011

Reflections: on the way to Mandrogy

After the river cruise ship Viking Surkov left St. Petersburg, we cruised overnight and all the next morning to reach the village of Mandrogy, which I first mentioned here.
This stage of the trip took us across the bottom of Lake Ladoga and into the Svir River, passing through a lock and watching the water level change 40 feet. It was the first of many locks on our holiday with Viking River Cruises.

© Photos by Richard Schear, August 2011, River Svir, Russia

The big doors which, at either end of a lock, allow the water level to change.

Posted for Weekend Reflections, hosted by James.

To see other reflections caught by other cameras, please click


Francisca said...

I could hardly imagine a cruise ship to fit though those locks, so after seeing your earlier SkyWatch photos, I went to look up Viking Surkov and see that it is slimmer than your typical cruise ship... also with less people, so that must make it a bit cozier. Did you meet interesting/nice people on the trip, Kay?

Ms. Becky said...

I think locks are fascinating. when I lived on the Mississippi river years ago one of my favorite pastimes was watching the barges go through them. these are splendid reflections Kay. happy weekend to you.

Karen said...

A lovely series of shots Kay. I always enjoy your trip tours!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Great pictures and, as a I may have already said a million times, this is really the kind of travel that appeals to us -- slow-paced and on the water (and Bill loves locks). I think I would when somebody else was doing all the work...the ones in FL scare me a little because I actually have to DO something!

Kim, USA said...

The first time I saw how locks work I could never understand. It takes time for me to grasp how it was done and everything,lol!! Great shots Kay happy weekend!

Getaway Place

Leslie said...

i think if i ever went on a cruise again, it would be a river cruise. my uncle has traveled the french locks a few times, so i'm familiar with his descriptions of how they work, and the whole slower pace of river travel appeals to me. in france, they often stopped in small villages and had time to eat at local restaurants. did you do that in russia, as well?

Sylvia K said...

Always love the watery captures and you have such a terrific variety! Great reflections for the day! Hope you have a great weekend, Kay! Enjoy!


James said...

What a neat place! I like the green building and the log cabins.

Dianne said...

Hi Kay - I just love those names Mandrogy - Ladoga!! sounds like an amazing trip.
Enjoy a wonderful week-end Kay.

'Tsuki said...

That is such a lovely place... Great catch on those reflection, my dear !

Jim said...

An interesting shot. Beautiful scenery.
Sydney - City and Suburbs

Simon said...

So fascinating. I would love to see this. Are you sure you wouldn't like another traveling companion?

VioletSky said...

Ihave always dreamt of taking a cruise though locks and canals. I usually think og England when I dream this, but now I might have to add Russia...

Carola Bartz said...

Again, these are so beautiful pictures. I love to see your photos from Russia.

Ingrid said...

I am rather surprised by the architecture of the houses, they look so very much Scandinavian. Locks I know quiet well, we have several once in Belgium.

Pearl Maple said...

Seeing old working locks on the waterways is the most amazing kind of adventure.

Cezar and Léia said...

Looks like a tranquil fishing village?
God bless you!

Ebie said...

I am extremely surprised how the log cabins are constructed. Amidst the great architectural buildings, this is a nice contrast.

Enjoy your weekend Kay!