
Sunday, July 28, 2013

Succinctly yours: woven

Photo provided as prompt
Every week, posted at the blog known  as Grandma's Goulash, is a photo meant to inspire micro-fiction.
Succinctly Yours consists of the photo plus a separately-chosen, unconnected word of the week. Unconnected, that is, unless some writers can use the word with the photo.

This week's word is "woven" and SY entrants can use it in a short story of 140 words or a short-short story of 140 characters. It's been a while since I've entered this brevity competition, but I always enjoyed going for the such a case, gusto would consist of only 140 characters, including spaces and punctuation. Here are my contributions for Week 123 of Succinctly Yours:

One's walk out the pier was always spoilt by a billboard advertising hairnets woven of softest silk. Walking back was more scenic, he found.
 (140 characters, including spaces and punctuation.)
* * *
Shadows were beginning to lengthen as the pickpocket, having woven his way through the crowd at the end of the pier, walked quickly ashore.

 (139 characters, including spaces and punctuation.)
* * *


diane b said...

I like the second one best.

kaykuala said...

Beautiful MFs both of them, Kay! Both gave correct pics to the prompt.The image brought back Atlantic City to memory and I didn't even notice the hairnet ads! Great!


Tammy said...

It always amazes me when people write two...not to mention when they're both this good!

Jim said...

Both good writes, Kay. Both about bad things, pick-pockets and sky polluting billboards.

My pick for the better of the two is the first.

Unknown said...

I liked your last one best as it was so creative and imaginative.

Pat said...

In some of the places where cruise ships stop, you really have to take steps to avoid being robbed by a pickpocket! Great take on this week's photo, Kay! And kudos for the use of the wotw.

Pat said...

Seaside boardwalks are always more scenic without the huge billboards!

Friko said...

What a clever wordsmith you are.

Maude Lynn said...

I love that second one! said...

nice work Kay!
original & imaginative - you are a very creative writer.

Ingrid said...

They are both very nice ! and I'll just go to the pier in Eastbourne today, lol ! I'll pay attention to the pick pocket !

Daryl said...

doubly clever!

Jenn Jilks said...

You work so hard on your words! I've been lazy these days.

Phil Slade said...

I like the second one best Kay. It appeals to my sense of humour. Actually the photo looks like old time Blackpool UK.