
Monday, June 3, 2013

Weatherbeaten beauties in our world

If I were a farmer, I'd be delighted with the rain in southeastern Alberta recently. As co-owner (along with husband and dog) of a large lawn and many trees, I'm fairly pleased with the rain.
However, it has been wreaking havoc on my beautiful burgundy-purple irises, battering them badly. So sad to see.

Posted for Our World Tuesday
which is being hosted by my friend Jenn in Ontario.
Photos by Kay Davies, 2013


Kay said...

I'll bet your iris will look even better after the rain has been gone for a while. They look gorgeous here.

Rajesh said...

Wow! rain has created havoc for such beautiful flowers.

Fran said...

Shame, but they do have a certain beauty still xxx

Ingrid said...

Smashed by the rain ! I know that ! My poor flowers don't grow in this cold and rainy weather.
BTW During my UK tour there were a couple of Canadians I told them I know Canadians from Alberta, (I thought it was a town) and had to learn that it is a province in Canada ! Lol !

Anonymous said...

Oh, those poor battered - yet lovely - irises!

Unknown said...

They are beauties!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

Sherry Blue Sky said...

Oh I saw your title and thought you were writing about us again. Cackle.......Irises are my fave flower - since they arent human, they will recover and be as beautiful as ever, hee hee. (I think we're doing pretty well though, kiddo, and dont tell me if I am deluded!)

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
Down but not out! Gorgeous colour.

Maude Lynn said...

Oh, no!

Fun60 said...

That is sad to see. Their colour looked really interesting, even if they were on the ground.

Jenn Jilks said...

We've had two days of rain. I'm happy with it, even if it is cold!

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

unusual burgendy color, most I see are blue or yellow.