
Tuesday, March 29, 2011

K is for Princess Ka'iulani

Victoria Ka'iulani Kalaninuiahilapalapa Kawekiu i Lunalilo Cleghorn (1875–1899) was heir to the throne of the Kingdom of Hawai'i and held the title of crown princess. Ka'iulani became known throughout the world for her intelligence, beauty and determination. Her royal status, talent and double-ancestry (Hawaiian-Scottish) kept her frequently in the press of the day. Newspaper accounts of her comings and goings throughout her life are extensive, often interconnected with those of her aunt, Queen Lili'uokalani. She told her aunt she would prefer to marry for love unless it was necessary to protect the independence of the Hawaiian Kingdom. On Feb. 3, 1898, she declared her engagement to Prince David Kawānanakoa, but her early death (Mar. 6, 1899) ended the hope of marriage. (Wikipedia)
Wikipedia photo

Wikipedia photo
Left, the princess as a little girl in Honolulu.

Right, the princess as a young adult.

Below, this statue of Princess Victoria Kaiulani Cleghorn feeding her beloved peacocks was unveiled in Waikiki during a ceremony and blessing on October 16, 1999, which was the 124th anniversary of Princess Kaiulani's birth. Cleghorn family heir Melinda Cleghorn Alison participated in the ceremony by leaving an offering at the base of the statue.
Photo by Richard Schear

Posted for ABC Wednesday, the alphabetic challenge hosted weekly
Mrs. Nesbitt's marvelous meme team.

To see how others have found a use for the letter K, please click


Sylvia K said...

Marvelous, interesting post for the K Day! Really enjoyed reading about Princess Ka'iulani! What a beautiful woman she was! Hope you're enjoying your travels!

ABC Team

Kay said...

We just saw the movie, Barbarian Princess (they changed the title due to the criticism). Didn't much care for it. It didn't look accurate and in many parts gratuitous. It was truly tragic that Princess Kaiulani died so very young.

Tumblewords: said...

Fascinating post! Love the sculpture!

Hildred said...

Such an interesting post, Kay - the statue of the Princess if beautiful, and it is sad that she didn't live to fulfil her destiny.

Roger Owen Green said...

The history of Hawaii is fascinating. But I can't spell Princess Ka...whatever.

ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Lisa said...

I loved your blog. How intersting. History is just that so intersting. Love the photos and the research you've done also.

Mara said...

It sounds so much better to have a princess and a queen than a president doesn't it? Classier somehow!

Cezar and Léia said...

Bonjour Kay!
It's a beautiful story, I'm always enchanted by princess!

Meryl said...

How sad. What was the cause of her death?

I just love ABC Wednesdays because I get to learn such interesting things. Thank you.

Chubskulit Rose said...

You have gorgeous K's!

Want some more K? Come and have some Kisses from my webpage.

Gemma Wiseman said...

O how interesting! Your post is a delightful tribute to this beautiful woman!

Ingrid said...

Was very interesting, but I had hoped for something from your trip !

Reader Wil said...

What a beautiful woman and very interesting! Thanks for sharing!
Did you have a good journey home?
It was great meeting you and having a cup of coffee sitting in the sunshine. Al least I thought so!

Leslie: said...

Sorry to be so late coming by, but I had my grandson for a few days this week (Spring Break). Love your story about the princess - I missed seeing her statue because I was in Waikiki in 92-93. I have such a hard time pronouncing Hawaiian names. Wonderful post and photos of this lovely lady.
