
Monday, September 9, 2013

Here's what happened in our world

We had our big trees trimmed last week.
First, the men from the tree company cut down some of the smaller branches. These formed a trampoline that the man in the lift aimed for when he threw down the larger branches.

This big piece bounced when it landed, so it is slightly out of focus in the bottom right of this photo. I think I might have bounced a bit myself. I cropped the photo to show the large piece of branch. I really wasn't standing this close. (See top photo.)
Kay Davies photos, September, 2013
Afterward, all the branches, big and small, went into a chipper/mulcher machine that ate them all into small pieces. For safety reasons, the arborists didn't want a silly old woman running around with a camera, so I got these four shots, then went back inside the house where I belonged.
I just went through my archives to see if I could find photos that show the height of the trees hovering over our little hobbit house. I really don't have any that show the full height of either of them, but here are two for-instances.
Branch fell where Lindy naps!

The main reason I wanted the trees trimmed was the big branch that had fallen from one of them. It landed right where our dog Lindy naps during the day. Fortunately, it fell at night, but I didn't want to take any more chances. (The building seen behind the tree is a shed.)

Both trees can be seen in the second photo. They do provide plenty of shade, even shading the cars in the afternoon, but this old photo doesn't show how tall they really are. Our house is small, and not only small, it is low, and I think it is vulnerable. I'm glad the trees were trimmed.

Posted for
Our World Tuesday
Our World is hosted this week by Lady Fi and Oscar. My husband sure wishes our Lindy would swim like Oscar, but she's just not interested.


Unknown said...

Anything for Lindy!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

Kay L. Davies said...

Gary, you are absolutely right about Lindy, although there was a good possibility the large branches could have come through the roof of this old place, too.

Sylvia K said...

So glad Lindy wasn't hurt by the falling branch! Always wonderful to have shady trees near by! Great captures, Kay!! Hope you have a lovely week!

Sherry Blue Sky said...

So glad dear Lindy wasnt snoozing there when that branch came down. Tell her Jas LIVES to swim, it is her fave thing ever, but she rarely can any more given her injury. Short dips only.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Its gotta' be done! Looks like the trimmers were professionals and knew what they were doing without destroying the trees. Some of the trimmers we see are not that good.

Karen said...

Trees can get large, good idea to have them trimmed.

Joyful said...

Great idea to use an ounce of prevention Kay. Lindy is lucky you are looking out for her too ;-)

Penelope Notes said...

Great idea trimming the trees before winter sets in with wind and snow to strain the branches. It is interesting to watch the tree cutters at work. They seem to take precautions but it still looks like a bit of a risky job. I don’t recall seeing trampoline/coverings over trucks before … it all looks very efficient.

eileeninmd said...

It is scary thinking that the branches would fall on your dog or you! Best to take care of them before damage is done. Have a happy week!

Carver said...

Looks like a good project. I have large oak trees that need trimming but it's on a long list of things to do later.

Jenn Jilks said...

"Silly old woman' me arse.

You're a popular blogger, with a huge following. We depend upon you for photos!

Barb said...

Those trees are huge. Glad you provided for Lindy's safety!

Ingrid said...

What a work ! I know this when they cut our weeping willow tree ! See with my little camera I take pictures everywhere and don't even ask if it is allowed or not, lol ! Yesterday in the museum was the same, of course without flash otherwise it would damage the paintings.

Kay said...

I firmly believe in being careful with trees close to houses. Our chestnut tree fell during a stiff wind. LUCKILY it fell away from the house. It could have been a lot worse.