
Saturday, April 30, 2011

Two ears cast shadows, two don't

Richard Schear photos   
Photos taken earlier this year, before the snow finally melted.

I suspect the rabbit on the left has seen Dick and Lindy before, and knows they're harmless.
The other rabbit is trying to make itself look very small, so they won't notice it is there.

Posted for  Shadow Shot Sunday, a meme that
has us chasing ephemeral shadowy things, like wild rabbits.
Hosted every week by Tracy at Hey Harriet!

To see other shadows as other cameras saw them, please click


BrandNewStudio said...


Martha Z said...

Good thing they are well insulated, you wouldn't catch me laying in the snow.

Kate said...

They look like they are hunkered down to keep warm.

Cassie said...

Lovely bunny ShadowShots! I can't get close enough to our snowshoe rabbits to get a good shot. Ours still have white ears and feet!! Happy SSS.

Ralph said...

The bunnies have been waiting for some sun to warm their dark fur, and have unearthed themselves for the Albertan spring. The offer a look of shadows themselves, created by this solar bliss. Sweet creatures and little snow makes an appealing photo!

Unknown said...

Gorgeous bunny shadow shots. Love them.

RNSANE said...

I am amazed that they stayed there and posed for you. Perhaps they are half frozen!!! Poor things, surely they feel the cold!!

Carola said...

Wonderful shadow fromthe ears. And nice to see this rabbits so close up.

robin. said...

so glad the snow is behind us...i hope. great shots of the bunnies.

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

I'm so relieved that the snow is only a memory this close to May!


A seeker of shadows, they say,
Will keep her eyes peeled night and day
For resident shades
That haunt the dark glades
And never come outside to play.

© 2011 by Magical Mystical Teacher

Shadowy Border

Kay L. Davies said...

@ Magical Mystical — I'm hoping it's only a memory here. There's mixed rain and snow in the forecast for tonight, and I've seen snow as late as May 5. People who have lived in Alberta longer than my 10 years tell me there isn't a month that hasn't had at least some snow, in their experience.
— K

Kay, Alberta, Canada
An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

Catherine said...

that snow looks so deep and crisp and sparkling - hope it has all gone now though!

Friko said...

Do you allow rabbits in the garden? They are such destructive pests to have around.
I am happy to watch them in the fields.

Dianne said...

Oh! they must be cold - love the bunny shots.

Kathe W. said...

darling bunnies

Kay L. Davies said...

@ Friko — we've had rabbits in our yard for years, and they've never done any harm. These photos, however, were taken in the countryside a short distance away from our house.
— K

Francisca said...

Please don't tell me you just took these cute bunny shots! Snow!?

Kay L. Davies said...

@ Francisca — I just had to double-check. Yep, I put a line in there saying the photos were taken earlier this year. However, we had "mixed rain and snow" in our forecast for tonight, although it has been changed to just rain now. Whew.
— K

Anonymous said...

Nice shadows. We have a bunny nest in our landscaping and I'll be posting some photos Tuesday. The babies are getting big and have fur. Hopefully, the neighborhood cat won't find them.

Francisca said...

Oops... missed the fine print! :-) I saw the lower portion, though... And now I got to see the sweet bunnies again. xo

Kay L. Davies said...

@ Francisca — I edited this post and put the fine print into boldface so no one else will miss it. Thanks!
— K

Gengen said...

Oh so cute..happy SSS!

Ingrid said...

Poor easter bunny has to sit in snow ! and we have more than 20° here, it's so unusual ! hasn't happened since 66 years !

BLOGitse said...

oh bunnies, cute!
Most of the snow is gone here in Finland too.
Happy 1st of May!

Hootin Anni said...

...and they came two by two!! Gotta love these furry babies you've shared.

My Link:
Sand, Surf, and Shadows

Have a glorious Sunday. Hope to have you as a visitor today when you find time.

Cezar and Léia said...

Cutest thing! :)
God bless you!

Anonymous said...

Fun shadow shots!

Lisa's RetroStyle said...

Sweet bunny :)

Ebie said...

Bunny hops! Love those "imprints"!

Anonymous said...

I was thinking too that she was so calm just sitting there. Great shots!

Crafty Green Poet said...

how sweet they're just sitting there in the snow...

JunieRose2005 said...

Love your shadow shot-the bunny in the snow!

You have a lovely blog!!


Gerald (SK14) said...

Fabulous shadows

Esther Garvi said...

Such beautiful creatures!