
Monday, December 19, 2016

Just think who might be hurt

Searching online, I found this beautiful map detailing all the First Nations on the BC coast who have so much to lose in the event of an oil spill in coastal waters. These lands are their heritage, the lands of their forefathers. This breaks my heart, because I have had and do have many First Nations friends whose lives cannot help but be affected by such a spill.

First, apologies to those of my friends in Alberta who are concerned about the twinning of the Kinder Morgan pipeline and the effect it will have on the rivers and lands of Alberta, as well as its citizens — I have been unable to find a map showing the number of Alberta First Nations people who can be affected by pipeline expansion.
I did find this link, however. I don't know if it's really applicable or not.

The map below, of BC Ferries routes, shows the wonderful Gulf Islands of the BC coast, between the mainland and Vancouver Island. These islands, as well as Vancouver Island itself, and the San Juan islands in US waters on the other side of that dotted line, stand to lose much of their pristine beauty. Present and future leaders of the USA might complain, perhaps vociferously.
Now, while I am attempting in my own small way to show the effects of an oil spill on the First Nations on the BC coast, I certainly can't help but think of all my other friends and relatives who live on or near the waters which stand to be spoiled by a spill, in Washington as well as BC. Who would be liable for such damages? Or will there be a war, perhaps?

In no way do I consider myself very knowledgeable about this looming problem, but I feel I must speak out strongly in hopes of helping to save the lands and rivers crossing Alberta, where I now live, as well as BC, where my roots are. Who gets hurt? It might be me or thee.

One thing I now know: because the Rocky Mountains form an insurmountable barrier between the two provinces, the waters from Alberta's rivers wend their way east and north, eventually ending up in Hudson's Bay—
Imagine my surprise when I first moved to Alberta, and found myself looking at the South Saskatchewan River as it flowed through Medicine Hat, and suddenly realized that the water was flowing "the wrong way"! It was going from west to east! As a third-generation British Columbian, I was flabbergasted by this discovery.
Now, however, I wonder if a break in a pipeline somewhere in Alberta might actually end up in one of our east-moving rivers, perhaps carrying oil pollution to Saskatchewan or farther east.


Sherry Blue Sky said...

Kay, what wonderful maps. Thank you for posting them. I share your concern, and am disappointed that the same old same old keeps going on, with all of the evidence more than clear that we need to get off fossil fuels. Argh. The soul grows weary.

Kay L. Davies said...

Thanks, Sherry!

Powell River Books said...

Scary thoughts wherever you live. - Margy