
Friday, February 19, 2016

Sun peeks out from behind two trees

I'm a slow learner when it comes to the camera in my smartphone, but the sun and clouds were so pretty a few days ago, I just had to pull out my phone and try to capture the sun peeking between the branches of these trees.
The first is at the Redcliff Library, where we had stopped for reading material, and the second is near our house. I was so intent on getting the clouds into the picture that I almost lost the glimpse of sun in that one.

Posted for
Skywatch Friday

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Our elderly darling loves kitchens

Our golden girl, Lindy, does sleep in other parts of the house from time to time, but her favourite place is always the kitchen, because one never knows when a human might decide to pass on a delicious morsel to this smiling face.
Lindy has been blind for a couple of years, and has adapted to it by using her nose. She knows where she is, and what she wants, in the house, in the yard, and in the neighbourhood.

Posting for
Our World Tuesday

Friday, February 12, 2016

Beautiful spring sky in Florida

It's Friday again here on the lone prairie, and I went through some photos and decided I like these clouds in a blue Florida sky. We were down there to watch baseball's Spring Training. Lots of fun to watch with no pressure on a player to do anything except improve hisownself, and nothing for a fan to do except relax and enjoy the game...if she can see past another fan's hat.

Posting for
Skywatch Friday
hosted by Yogi, Sandy, and Sylvia.

Monday, February 8, 2016

Where the deer and the antelope played

It has been a few years since we've seen a herd of antelope up close. These photos were taken five years ago. It was Lindy's first experience with a nearby herd since we had adopted her, and she was fascinated.
We're so proud of Lindy, because we never heard her bark at any wildlife except gophers (properly called Richardson's ground squirrels here). She is, however, intent on observing these larger mammals.

Lindy and I are
sharing these
photos for
Our World Tuesday.

Photos by
Lindy's daddy
Richard Schear

Friday, February 5, 2016

Who is that plump person in Casablanca?

Posting this picture of the North African sky for Skywatch Friday this week.
We were in Casablanca in the winter of 2008, during a cruise from Barcelona to the Canary Islands.
 Photo by my husband, Richard Schear

Monday, February 1, 2016

Walking to the coulee to visit the deer

Sharing with Our World Tuesday.

Southern Alberta has many hills and valleys, called coulees, sculpted by long-ago glaciers.
Above is the coulee where Lindy loved to go with her daddy because they usually saw deer.
Lindy was fascinated with the deer, probably because none of them wore collars and leashes and, especially, snowboots. She was always sure they were having more fun that she was having.
She would tug on her leash, trying to get Dick to go closer to those beautiful animals, but she never barked. Never once barked at a deer.
In the winter, they come to our house, to feast on the ornamental crabapples on the tree in the front yard where there's no fence.
Lindy used to have a seat at the dining room window, and she'd see the deer coming, three, four, five or more at a time. They'd walk right past her window, and she'd just watch them.
Now that she is old and blind, she can't see them any more, so she doesn't sit under the window now. She sits, instead, on the couch where there's usually a mom or a dad to come to cuddle with her.
If she's lying on the floor, and I sit on the couch, she'll move until she is covering my feet, as if to say, "You don't need to go anywhere, Mom. I'll keep your feet warm for you. You like warm feet, and I like having you here."
Photos (not recent) by my husband, Richard Schear, Lindy's daddy